Secret Sauce
Like we stated earlier, this secret sauce is not dependent on you purchasing a restaurant franchise! You see, there are many benefits in working with our team.
One of these benefits is that credit never stands in the way of you becoming a franchise owner. This does NOT mean that you do not need stable credit to get into a franchise because in most every instance, you do. What this means is that we make your credit a non issue.

Let's explain.....
Our team has a talented pool of legal paraprofessionals that have solely operated on our clients credit worthiness for many years now. We are able to use the laws on the books to present your situation in such a way as to force the credit bureaus to remove any item that is standing in the way of your being able to be approved for financing.
What’s more, is we can immediately increase your credit score to whatever the franchisors and lenders are looking for.
What’s even better is that this process can take as little as a few weeks from start to finish. Again, we are the only franchise broker operation in the world offering this process and because you are working with us, you have exclusive access to it.
Finally, our “sauce” would not be complete unless your new credit profile gets you the franchise you are wanting. This happens during the credit sanitation and stabilization process. Being that our team also consists of private bankers that have a solid and seasoned network of lenders, your files are overseen by an actual underwriter to ensure that you are ready for financing as soon as you are approved by the franchisor of your choice.